Earlier this year, we wrote about how Cisco Talos is seeing an increase in the rate of high-sophistication attacks on network infrastructure. We weren’t the only ones to speak about how these types of attacks are gaining momentum — many of our colleagues across the security industry and in various governments around the world were seeing the same: Multiple threat actors carrying out sustained campaigns, particularly against end-of-life network hardware and software.
That message is as true today as it was when we issued the Threat Advisory in April. We are continuing to see post-auth attacks against network infrastructure (“post-auth” meaning that the attackers had already gained legitimate credentials before carrying out the network attack). Though we can’t be 100% sure of the motivation behind these attacks, we know that the threat actors are looking to build increasing levels of access and visibility for themselves. Primarily, this is for espionage purposes, but other reasons include pre-positioning themselves inside a network to carry out future attacks.
Our goal is to continue to raise awareness and motivate stakeholders to take the necessary steps to update and maintain the integrity of their network infrastructure security. That is why Cisco is joining technology providers, security experts, and network operators to launch the Network Resilience Coalition, an alliance focused on providing a coordinated framework for improving network security that supports our global economic and national security.
What many of these attacks have in common is that threat actors have worked their way through systems to control logging, thus giving them a supreme level of authority and control across the entire network. Once these systems have been compromised, we have observed threat actors modifying the memory to do things such as reintroducing vulnerabilities that might have been patched or changing the configuration of the systems to an insecure state. These efforts are masked, preventing system administrators from seeing the activity, while the threat actors set up persistent tunnels into the network devices.
One of the most important things to talk about here is that in each of the cases we’ve seen, the threat actors are taking the type of “first steps” that someone who wants to understand (and control) your environment would take. Examples we have observed include threat actors performing a “show config,” “show interface,” “show route,” “show arp table” and a “show CDP neighbor.” All these actions give the attackers a picture of a router’s perspective of the network, and an understanding of what foothold they have.
This means it is vital for organizations to understand their environment to stay one step ahead. Because once the actor is in place, then it’s a race to see who understands the environment better.
If you are continuing to use out-of-date network infrastructure, or you are exploring what you need to do to shore up your network defenses, here are our recommendations on what to do:
For more information, here is the threat advisory video Talos released in April, featuring Talos’ Director of Threat Intelligence and Interdiction, Matt Olney, and National Security Principal, JJ Cummings, which gives additional background into the types of attacks we have been observing:
Credit to Cisco Blogs.
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